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These days, just about every scroll seems to reveal yet another brand desperate for attention. Or just a lot of puppies, and let’s face it—it’s impossible to compete with baby animals. So, how do you make your brand the one that stops the scroll? It’s the million-dollar question, and at Three Word Agency, we’ve made it our mission to find the answer. 


And hear us out: standing out isn’t really about who can shout the loudest, influence the hardest (is influencing hard actually a thing?), or throw down tons of scratch for expensive ads. Sure, you can do all that stuff, but make sure you’re also keeping it real. Yes, be authentic—the buzzword of the decade, as it should be. 


Authenticity is the secret sauce that cuts through the noise and leaves a lasting impression. 


But how do you harness the sheer power of authenticity? It all starts with knowing who you are and what you stand for. It’s about embracing your inner weirdo, your flaws, and your unique perspective on the world. Because let’s be honest, perfection is overrated. It’s also boring, particularly in today’s digital market where we’re inundated with filters and overly curated content. People want to connect with brands that feel human, that have a story to tell. 


Take Bali, for example (home of Three Word Agency). This brilliant little island is now crawling with tourist traps and Instagrammable backdrops, and for good reason—Bali is awesome. Period. Nevertheless, some may find it challenging to see past the commercialization and influencerization (we totally made that word up), but dig a little deeper and you’ll find so much rich culture, history, creativity, and authenticity. And Bali on the whole does a beautiful job of retaining its culture despite its development. It’s very special in that regard. 


So, how can you channel the spirit of places like Bali in your own brand? Well, start by embracing the unexpected. Don’t be afraid to take risks, to push boundaries, to make some damn noise. Remember, safe = boring


It’s the brands that dare to be different and authentic that make the biggest impact.


Are you ready to ditch that garden variety cookie-cutter approach to digital marketing and inject some realness into your brand? Well, here’s our advice: be yourself. It might sound super simple, but trust us, it’s anything but. It takes courage to stand out in a sea of conformity. But it’s well worth it. 


Cheers to keeping it real!


Three Word Agency



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